1 Concord Business Centre, Concord Road, London , W3 0TJ 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
info@easociety.org 0208 992 4506

Values and Goals

Within the KBM Employable Students Society (EAS), our dynamic community is built upon the bedrock of our fundamental values and objectives.

Dedicated to achieving excellence, fostering inclusivity, and driving innovation, we adhere to guiding principles that steer our conduct and mould our shared vision.

Core Values

  • Excellence: We aim for the utmost quality and performance standards in all our pursuits, cultivating an atmosphere that values and celebrates excellence.

  • Inclusivity: Embracing diversity in all its forms, we cultivate a community that values and respects the unique perspectives, backgrounds, and contributions of every member.

  • Innovation: We encourage our members to be creative and think ahead.

    Feel free to explore new ideas and ways of doing things to tackle the challenges in the ever-changing professional world.

  • Integrity: Upholding ethical standards is paramount. We conduct ourselves honestly, transparently, and accountable in all our interactions.

Key Goals

  • Empowerment: We aim to empower every member by providing them with the resources, tools.

    The opportunities needed to unlock their full potential and succeed in their chosen paths.

  • Collaboration: Building bridges between students, professionals, and employers, we seek to create a collaborative ecosystem where knowledge is shared, connections are forged, and mutual support thrives.

  • Innovation in Education: Striving for innovative approaches to education.

    we aspire to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application, preparing our members for the challenges of the professional world.

  • Social Responsibility: We are committed to instilling a sense of social responsibility in our members, promoting community engagement, and nurturing ethical leadership.

Join us at KBM Employable Students Society (EAS), where our values guide our actions, and our goals shape the path to a successful and fulfilling future.